Congratulations, Tsiara!
November 15, 2020
Cheetahsden Tsiara will always have a special place in our hearts. We cannot be more thankful to Kevin for opening his home to a beautiful older girl. I know she has found the most loving and perfect person to love her as much as we do. Congratulations Tsiara and Kevin!
Welcome to the World, Autumn
September 20, 2020
Cheetahsden Lovelettah and Bengalisland Oasis Moon blessed us with one beautiful daughter. We are so excited to watch this baby mature. She will be offered to our waiting list, but might become available. Watch for updates or contact us if you might be interested in Autumn.
Good News!
March 01, 2020
For the year, we are happy to report that Cheetahsden Head Games "Kisca", Cheetahsden Head in the Clouds "Halo", Cheetahsden Spider Monkey "Spider", "Solo", Bangles Changbai "2Pik", Leopardcats Tao Tao, Cheetahsden Painted Cloud, Bengalisland Oasis Moon and Bahiya Painted Jungles of Lonestar - all screened NORMAL for heart disease at this time.
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